23 February 2014

Showcase Sunday #76

Showcase Sunday is a weekly Meme that I am taking part of. This weekly meme is hosted by Vicky over at Book, Biscuits and Tea and for more info click on the SS image which will take you straight to the blog.
Click images to take you to Goodreads.

Physical Books

I received this yesterday morning from Hodder Publishers for review which I am very thankful and excited for.

Bought Kindle Books

This was only 77p on Amazon UK and it sounded too good to pass up.

Free Kindle Books


Kindle Books for Review



  1. London Falling is a great read :)
    Don't Look Back looks really good, it's on my TBR now :)
    Cora @ Tea Party Princess

  2. Wow, lots of different reads for you this week! :) x

  3. Oh so envious of Don't Look Back! Know you got it from the pubs, but I had put a Netgalley request in back in December with still no response either way! That's what really drives me crazy, when they don't answer. It's like they're waiting for someone better to request so they can turn me down anyway in the end!

    Sorry for the ramble! Hope you enjoy all your new pretties!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Dont Look Back is high on my wishlist!!! I cant wait to read it ;) Great haul Kate. Enjoy http://bookloverslife.blogspot.ie/2014/02/showcase-sunday-25.html

  5. Nice haul. Don't look Back is on my wishlist. Enjoy your weekend.


  6. GODDESS BY LAURA POWELL! I really want to read that and i love the cover too.
    Also..UNDER NAMELESS STARS. asdfghjkl i am so jealoussss!!!!
    Great haul, here's a link to mine. :)

  7. Armentrout! You know what? I finally read my first book of hers this week. And well it turned out to be a week of me devouring her books. They're like crack! LOL!
    I hope you enjoy Under Nameless Stars. It's been on my wishlist for awhile. :)
    Great haul!
    Happy reading!


  8. Great haul! Excited to read your reviews!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  9. I'm really looking forward to reading Under Nameless Stars soon! I really enjoyed Zen Scarlett! Great haul, enjoy :)

    Becca @ Lost in Thought
